This time is different

Here we are again. Another attempt, another blog.

I recently deleted my Twitter profile. Not remotely a political move, but the service just isn’t what it used to be. There’s too much noise, too much spam, and every service that attempts to recommend content rather than simply feed me what I’ve asked for becomes more and more annoying to me.

It become increasingly rare to see a post on Twitter from a friend or even just an account that I actively followed. This wasn’t helped by the default setting to show you recommended posts rather than only those from accounts that I follow, but even with that setting enabled, the kinds of account I followed simply post less these days.

The whole platform felt to be centred around influencers making money. Seeing the phrase, “Thread 🧵” was a sure sign you were about to be fed some AI-generated monetisation noise.

And so here we are again.

I loved Twitter for the ability to quickly say something. Nothing of any real value, you understand, but the opportunity was there.

That is what this now is for me.

I love writing, but I’m not as good at it as I’d like to be. And there’s no better way to improve at it than to write more.

What you read here - if indeed you do read anything here - won’t be perfectly crafted, at least not yet. It won’t even be fully formed ideas or opinions. The point of writing them down will be to refine them over time.

Of course, we’ve been here many times over the years, and there’s no guarantee this will be any different.

But let’s see, shall we?